Trees are life.
In February 2020 we started the “Tree Alley” project. On the approximately 2 km long route we plant trees with the village population. On the one hand, this strengthens the road in the rainy season and gives the population shade on the way to the farm. At the same time, it is a contribution to reducing CO2.

Your tree
All trees are dedicated to one person and are tended by a Togolese family. If you would like an up-to-date picture of your personal tree, please contact Happy via Signal: +228 92 47 32 63
2.2 km. Avenue of trees from the village to the farm
As of June 2021: Baumallee is thriving despite the adverse circumstances.
In June 2021, only 3 of the 185 trees had to be replaced. The largest are now almost 6 meters high. Fire, drought, trucks, goats, nomadic cattle and, in some cases, a lack of irrigation have damaged some trees in the last year. That is why we have intensified the care of the young plants.
It takes another 2-3 years of care (mulching and watering in the dry season) until all trees can survive on their own.

Impressions of the action