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«Many little people

in many small places
who do many little things

can change the face this world. "

African proverb


A big THANK YOU to everyone who supports us in any way and helps us to keep the project alive. It is a small project with an enormous impact in the region, since it is being built almost exclusively by the local population. Every time we visit, we are amazed at what progress is being made and how well the project is going.

Many Thanks
to our partner

Development of donations 2015-2023


Jöggi Rihs

Jöggi Rihs

Starting with the Casino Zurich, Swiss Casinos Group is now supporting us. We would like to thank Swiss Casinos and its Chairman of the Board Hans-Ulrich Rihs for their sustained support, without which the project could not be realized.

Employees of Swiss Casinos

Employees of Swiss Casinos

Many employees of the Swiss Casinos Group contribute to the success of the project with financial contributions, stand campaigns or even on site. Everything started with them.

Daniel Baumann, Architekt

Daniel Baumann, Architekt

Daniel Baumann plant und begleitet die Bauprojekte auf der Farm. Er entwickelt mit dem Projektteam Methoden zur nachhaltigen und einfachen Bauweise. Daniel Baumann hat die Ziegelpressanlage gestiftet.

Major donors

Major donors

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all donors who have supported us with contributions of more than CHF 3,000, thus making important contributions to the infrastructure: Jöggi and Gaby Rihs, Stäfa; Stefanie Baumann-Hardmeier, Binningen; Françoise Baumann, Männedorf; Thomas Cavelti, Oetwil am See; Marc Baumann and Sarah Müller, Zürich; Christina Tischhauser, Meilen; Max and Ulrike Kolb, Zürich; Brockenstube Erlenbach; Philipp Sprenger and Esther Hold, Winterthur.

Stefanie & Wolfgang Baumann Foundation

Stefanie & Wolfgang Baumann Foundation

The Stefanie and Wolfgang Baumann Foundation has already provided us with substantial support on several occasions and made basic infrastructure such as the solar plant or the well possible.

Lucas Baumann, project manager

Lucas Baumann, project manager

Special thanks go to our project manager Lucas Baumann. He has so far made an enormous unpaid effort on site and from Switzerland, using his own financial resources. Without him the project could not be realised.

Cello Schnyer, director

Cello Schnyer, director

Cello Schnyder made the wonderful project film on the project page for free and provided us with many photos. More about Cello at

Andreas Gonseth

Andreas Gonseth

Most of the beautiful photos on the website, in brochures and also the postcards were provided by Andreas for free. Many thanks!

Many volunteers

Many volunteers

The project lives from the many helpers who make their know-how available on site or make contributions in kind: Jakob Anz, environmental engineer, Zurich; Marcus Jost, Casino Director, Meilen; Daniel Baumann, architect, Zurich; Jonas Ruggle, energy engineer, Zurich.

Medical students

Medical students

The medical students who graduated from the university in 2016 made a financial contribution to us and twice provided medical assistance on site, caring for over 200 people.



Wingtra manufactures drones for mapping and surveying. They support and accompany land surveying in the whole region. This enables the land reserves and the quality of the soil to be recorded.

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